Campaign Background
This wargame is part of a campaign based in 1813.
The French are retreating towards
The wargame was fought in September 2008, using 28mm figures
French (Paul) on right
Prussians (Jan) on left
1st Prussian corps are deployed in and around Bucholz.
2nd French corps approach from the right. On their right the cuirassier brigade has routed the Prussian hussars.
With the loss of their cavalry the Prussians have been forced to form square against the French cavalry.
The French infantry are strung out due to their approach march over the hills.
The French artillery, and two infantry brigades, rout over the hills, leaving their guns behind. One infantry brigade is still engaged with the enemy beside Bucholz, supported by another brigade and the cuirassiers. All have received casualties.
Greatly outnumbered the French are about to withdraw, covered by their cavalry.
The Prussians have suffered only light casualties
Campaign Result
This was a major defeat for the French, and they continued their retreat towards Hamburg.